Where’s Water?
Climate change is not news.
And perhaps the higher odds of La Niña 2022 made our environmental threat even more immense.
In Italy, five northern regions surrounding the Po River have declared a state of emergency amid the worst drought in the past 70 years. The artist Dario Gambarin used a tractor to carve out a “water-saving” message screaming to the sky.
Lake Mead in the United States is also experiencing an unprecedented low water level: from 1066.46 feet in January to 1042.82 feet this month of July. It is the lake formed by the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River that provides water to the southern states such as Arizona, Nevada, and California.
After reading all the news, I feel incredibly lucky 🍀 to exercise inside this lush pond. Every drop seems magic and a miracle at the same time.
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(Thanks, and have a wonderful day!)