What is “Mixing Ventilation”
Curious C: Hey, what is “Mixing Ventilation”?
Designer: This is mixing ventilation mode. It means the air distribution system operates both natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation simultaneously.
Curious C: What’s the benefit of using mixing ventilation mode?
Designer: During the mixing ventilation mode, the space can be conditioned through natural ventilation (such as operable windows), or through mechanical equipment (such as heat pump HVAC system). It is a more flexible approach to ventilate your space.
Curious C: Do I have to use natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation at the same time? isn’t that cost more energy?
Designer: There are another two approaches for mixing ventilation. One is to operate by different zone. It uses partitions or room to separate different “zones”, like this image you see above.
The other is to operate natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation by different time slot. For example, open the window during 8 am to 2 pm, and turn on the HVAC system during the rest of the hour.
Curious C: Thanks! I am curious no more.