What Do We Know About The Homelessness.

Hazel Hepburn
3 min readFeb 14, 2024
Photo by Karl Hedin on Unsplash

Before talking about housing affordability, it is vital to mention homelessness. Homelessness is not news. It is a social phenomenon that almost every city experiences. Though many reasons contribute to homeless populations, the lack of a variety of affordable housing types in the market is the most significant.

Why Is It Important To Talk About Homelessness And Housing Affordability?

What Is Homelessness?

According to the “Homeless Definition” by Department of Housing and Urban Development, the homeless population can be grouped into four categories:

  • Someone who lacks a fixed, adequate nighttime residence.
  • Someone who is at imminent risk of homelessness.
  • Someone has not had permanent housing over the past 60 days or has moved at least twice during that period and is expected to continue this pattern for an extended period.
  • Someone who is fleeing domestic violence and has no other residence.

What Do We Know About Homelessness From Statistics?

On a single night in January 2020:



Hazel Hepburn

Hello there, we are Hazel and Hepburn. We love art, cities, and everything in between.